5 common mistakes that today's parents make that are causing them to raise children who are spoiled and rude!

One of the modern clichés is that today's children are more spoiled than previous generations. This does not depend on a "genetic predisposition", but rather on a combination of causes.
In fact, although, social customs, the mass media, global corporations, and the shortcomings of the educational system certainly have a huge influence, nevertheless, the real weak link is often the parents.
Some specialists in pedagogy have indicated the following parental behaviors as deleterious:

- Diminishing the authority of others. Figures such as educators and teachers once had carte blanche and were tasked with inculcating discipline in their pupils. Today, parents do not allow anyone to scold, reprimand or correct their children and this makes the children feel empowered to behave badly.
- Neglecting yourself. Children come first but not all times. Parents who dedicate themselves body and soul to satisfying only their child's needs, forgetting their own, end up causing damage to their own mental and physical health.
- Using shortcuts. In order to prevent children from misbehaving and acting up, parents often use "tricks" such as placing their child in front of the TV, buying them a smartphone or tablet or giving them a prize or treat even if the child does not deserve it. Instead, children need to learn to be patient, to entertain themselves on their own with their imagination or at worst to rediscover the healthy old-fashioned concept of "boredom".
- Being too compliant. Fulfilling the wishes of one's children is fine but one must not become slaves of their will and desires for fear they may cry or get angry.
- Justifying any behavior. Being young cannot be used as an alibi for every caprice or bad behavior. In this way, children are encouraged to repeat these behaviors and attitudes without taking responsibility for their own actions.

In short, parental love must never be lacking, but the same goes for respect for rules and proper behavior.
To rush desperately to your child's side as soon as they hurt themselves or to immediately satisfy a whim as soon as the child asks is not a sign of affection but an excess of zeal, a fear of losing the child's consent and affection or of not feeling that one is actually a good parent.
The compulsion to please one's children at all costs is very harmful to both the parents and the child because true feelings of love and affection should not be bartered but instead reciprocated unconditionally.
In fact, nothing terrible will happen if sometimes parents say "no" or if a child's expressed wish is not granted immediately. Only in this way will it be possible to raise children who know how to behave in every context, and who can become autonomous, independent, and productive members of society.