Gemini are romantic people and it is worth fighting for them! But do not try to keep them on a leash

What has always been said about this zodiac sign responds absolutely to the truth, that is to say, that inside a Gemini there is the presence of two identities that alternate according to contexts and situations.
This duality allows those born under the zodiac sign of Gemini to always consider two different points of view and therefore to be able to understand and forgive.
In love, they need their mental attraction to be as strong as the physical attraction, they are romantic, and born to be leaders.

They are sociable and solitary, carefree and profound, two sides of the same coin that constantly rotates and often makes the people around them heads spin. Gemini people know how to be open to everyone but they really trust only a few. They rarely fall in love but when that happens it means that their partner is a person who is able to understand and accept their complexity.
Regardless of affection and bonding with someone, they never sacrifice their space and independence. Gemini are real workaholics and continually pursue success. They hate those who slow them down or who try to keep them on a leash -- which in regards to Gemini is a useless and counterproductive undertaking.
Although they demand a lot from those who are by their side, they do their best to be and give all that their partner needs. Both towards others and towards themselves they adopt the philosophy of "Be Here Now", they live in the present and do not let themselves be anchored to or frightened by the past.
A person born a Gemini knows how to fill the lives of the people they really care about, with small and big gestures, and they always do this with absolute naturalness. An individual born under this sign does not pursue protagonism as an end in itself but nevertheless, automatically becomes a reference point for all.

Gemini are seducers and conquerors; they are able to make others fall in love with them so much that even the most balanced people can find themselves becoming jealous and possessive of their Gemini partner.
They may seem confident and determined in everything they do but a Gemini also needs reassurance, to know that what they say, think, and do is shared by those who love them.
Relations with these individuals are every day "sometimes an ordeal and sometimes a delight" but nevertheless, Gemini know how to show what unconditional love means and they are honest and they never lie. A life with them is a challenge but the reward is worth any sacrifice.