Here is why empaths feel uncomfortable when dealing with people who are fake

Being an empath (an empathetic person) means having an extraordinary ability but at the same time a rather awkward gift.
In fact, empaths are individuals who perceive the emotions and feelings of others as if they were their own, also from people who are not aware that they are transmitting any particular vibrations.
Empaths absorb everything, without a filter, so they must always pay attention to those around them because someone's presence and behavior can be both a source of well-being as well as frustration.

When an empath is in the presence of a fake person, they can understand it on the fly, even at an unconscious level. In fact, it may happen that the person in question behaves in a completely normal manner, indeed, they can appear to be kind and cordial. And yet for some strange reason, empaths begin to feel a strong sense of discomfort, an unpleasant sensation that not infrequently turns into an actual physical malaise.
The explanation is that without an empath desiring it, their sixth sense is activated, the innate ability to detect those who are not sincere, precisely because empaths are practically on the other side of the spectrum compared to those who are not sincere and authentic. These are two "species" that naturally repel each other, so they cannot stay long in the same environment without coming into conflict.
However, an empath is perfectly able to stand up to an insincere person, indeed, an empath constitutes a sort of natural antidote. However, an empath almost always prefers to avoid fake people to protect their own mental and physical health. Being so sensitive means continually exposing oneself to emotions that are not always pleasant, and this can undermine good humor and inner peace.

For an empath, the solution, which is simple, is to fill one's life with people who are as open and transparent as possible and capable of transmitting positivity, affection, and love.
Empaths are constantly in touch with their own emotions and those of others, so they need to be around those who can guarantee them serenity and nourishment for the soul.
Narcissists, domineering, and arrogant people, are like "kryptonite", to empaths, who suffer a lot if they are forced to deal with them too often. The physical and mental health of an empath is determined by the quality of the relationships that they establish with others.