People who drink alcohol moderately tend to be smarter, a research study has found

Treating yourself to a glass of wine every once in a while can be a matter of personal taste, but researchers have observed that appreciating and consuming wine in moderate doses is something else, entirely.
In fact, there are numerous studies that link intelligence - measured as one's intelligence quotient (IQ), - to wine consumption.
If such a link seems hazardous and unfounded, here are all the details of this interesting discovery.

Women with a higher level of education tend to drink twice the amount that a woman with a lower level of education consumes.
Here is a curious result from a research study done at the London School of Economics and Political Science, headed by Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa.
The most educated women, therefore, would be more inclined to consume wine than those less educated and the reason, according to the researchers, would be based primarily on evolution. In short, it seems that intelligent people know how to manage ideas and situations that are new, with respect to the ancient ancestral conditions of humans, with more serenity and ease.

British researchers have ruled out the possibility that reasonable alcohol consumption may be proportional to other factors other than intelligence - such as social status or the type of work performed.
Therefore, according to them, the tendency to appreciate alcohol in moderate doses has to do exclusively with IQ. This tendency is also found in men, but in women, it is much more marked.
As evidence of this, there would also be another Finnish research that examined 3,000 pairs of identical twins, going so far as to observe that the twin who was the first to start speaking and using language was also the one who at the legal age consumed more alcohol than the other twin.
Since linguistic ability is directly connected to one's IQ, this would indicate that drinking alcohol moderately is a "symptom" of intelligence.
A particularly curious fact is that intelligent people seem to appreciate wine specifically, compared to other types of alcohol.
So, maybe we can stop demonizing a person with a glass of wine in their hand! Indeed, it could be indicative of someone very interesting to chat with!