If you betray a Leo, you will never be trusted again! Here are all the secrets of a Leo!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 13, 2019

If you betray a Leo, you will never be trusted again! Here are all the secrets of a Leo!

One of the strongest characteristics of those born under the zodiac sign of Leo is their inability to tolerate or even forgive a betrayal.

For them, trust is sacred, both in love and in friendship, in important things as in the most trivial. When the element of trust fails, it is practically impossible to retrieve a relationship.

A disappointment in this aspect of life is like a wound that will never heal. But this is only part of the personality traits of this noble and complex sign.



Leo constantly calls attention to themselves, it is not enough just to be present in their life, worse still to pretend to be interested in them. Pretending to feel affection or care is counterproductive because a Leo can easily understand this and will interpret it as a mockery and a lack of respect in their regard. 

Individuals of this sign are very independent, they love to take care of all of their activities and personal matters by themselves, but at the same time, they need to know that those around them will be there at all times and will come to their aid if they need it. Maybe that moment will never come, but the mere fact of knowing that help is available makes them feel better. 

They react to stress and worries by becoming even more engaged in their work, but when they find themselves alone, especially at night, they are assailed by doubts and anguish. If they feel neglected and perceive that someone is distancing themselves from them, they react by letting the relationship become less intense, until they risk ending the relationship entirely. 

They are not "control freaks" but they do not like for things to get out of hand. These are people who live in a rather precarious state of balance, so it takes very little to upset their tranquility. Those few certainties they have must, therefore, be solid and unshakable.

If you betray a Leo, you will never be trusted again! Here are all the secrets of a Leo! - 2

Their rough and sometimes unfriendly character is really just a mask, a defense mechanism to avoid being seen as vulnerable.

As in the beginning, as at the end - trust is the key to everything, so before giving their trust, a Leo takes their time, and when someone takes advantage of this gift, a Leo's anger is implacable.

This zodiac sign symbolizes vigor and strength but also has a secret sensitivity that it keeps hidden for fear that it will be abused and trampled.

A Leo knows how to show the best version of themselves as a friend or partner, but whoever receives this special relationship must earn and deserve it.
