If in everyday life one is full of malice, it is not enough to pray to wash one's conscience

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 24, 2019

If in everyday life one is full of malice, it is not enough to pray to wash one's conscience

There are several proverbs, sayings, and aphorisms that express the concept of duality and ambiguity that is typical of many people.

For example, the sayings that "appearances can be deceiving" or "practice what you preach", describe in two different ways, behaviors that only conform superficially to morality and social rules.

In reality, the same individuals who flaunt themselves as representatives of truth and integrity are then the first to show the worst side of themselves in the private sphere, revealing a sort of double identity.

via inc.com



This discourse is valid for religion, for the rules of common decency, at work, in a couple, and in family life. In other words, there are individuals who first point their finger at what is wrong, criticizing the work or thoughts of others, when they secretly make the same mistakes or share the same opinions.

It will have happened to everyone at one point to have heard those who condemn the government for its corruption, other citizens for their failure to respect the laws, when, they themselves never miss an opportunity to defraud, not to pay taxes or to violate the most basic civic rules. 

In addition to pure hypocrisy, it is a farcical drama that is carried out every day and performed in public, while the few who have the misfortune to really suffer in their everyday life are often kept hidden. The world is full of false moralists and advocates of ethics who have a clean face and a dirty soul.

Moreover, the world of social media networks has succeeded in amplifying, even more, this aspect of hypocrisy inherent in the nature of many people. What is published, when it comes to posting comments and images, are only what we want to show or display but very often it is not the truth.

If in everyday life one is full of malice, it is not enough to pray to wash one's conscience - 2

Thus it happens that two parallel realities are created that coexist in the same dimension. That of active, bright, happy, respectful, and normal people, who daily hide the simple banality of their existence and mask it with another one that is more interesting and shared with others. 

What escapes many people is the fact that the same people who give a "Like" of approval from the other side of the screen are exactly like the others, equally "sinners" disguised as "saints". Furthermore, living in two dimensions is not only exhausting but also unhealthy, as it produces inner conflicts and increasingly distances us from what is the original and authentic version of ourselves. 

Thus, a global population of hypocrites and liars expands and increases, but there is an antidote --- and it is simply to accept oneself as one is. Each of us has to work every day to take a little extra step towards being the person we would like to become, and that until now we have only pretended to be.
