14 tips to have a flourishing and cared for garden, without spending a fortune!

We have always said and provided scientific evidence, that gardening is good for the mind and body. And that taking care of a green space; seeing it change and flourish thanks to one's efforts and attention gives immense personal satisfaction.
It is true, however, that gardening can be easily transformed into a very expensive activity! But the good news is that there are many tricks that allow you to keep costs down and enjoy only the beauty of gardening.
Here, for example, are 14 very useful tips that you should never forget!
1. Save on pesticides
Did you know that we can do without many of the pesticide chemicals that are harmful to our health and the environment? Just allow insects, butterflies, bees, hedgehogs, and lizards to frequent our garden. Install small bee hives or hang ripe fruit to attract butterflies, insects, and bees.
2. Recycling
You have planted your favorite herbs, but now you do not remember where exactly? Thanks to different colored plastic bottle rings, you can keep track of both the position and the growth process of the various plants. Simply, establish a different color for each type of plant and place the plastic rings directly on the ground.
3. Conserve water
Especially in the summer, it is a good idea to give your plants enough water. You can save time and reduce your water bill if you opt for the plant containers or vases with a built-in water reserve. In this way, the excess water will not be lost but will wet the soil when needed.
4. Save water (2)
Speaking of conserving water, did you know that the most efficient way to avoid wasting water is to collect rainwater or water used for other outdoor activities? For this purpose, place cisterns or water tanks at the end of roof eaves or drains, where you can store rainwater and also pour the water used for other occasions.
5. Wooden pallets for gardens
Using wooden pallets in a garden is a way to better organize a green space at a low cost. In fact, you can use them in a thousand different ways, with a minimum expense.
6. New life for water tanks that leak.
If your water tank has been punctured, its usefulness does not have to end! Simply by cutting it in half, length-wise and mounting it on a support, it can still do its job of collecting water!
7. For each space, the proper plant

Probably the most substantial expense that you will find yourself facing will be the purchase of plants to put in your garden. It is important not to try to save money at all costs but instead to turn to a reliable plant nursery that can give you the right advice and that offers a minimum of guarantee, especially regarding the most expensive plants.
For this reason, it is best to shop wisely for your plants and to get to know the type of plants you need before buying and planting them. For example, there are plants that require direct sunlight, others that prefer partial sunlight, and others that love being in the shade. Making a mistake in positioning the plants would mean having spent money foolishly!
8. Homemade compost
At some point in your gardening experience, you will find yourself having to supply your plants with fertilizer. Well, know that you can make your own, simply by collecting and allowing organic waste to decompose.
You can equip yourself by buying a compost bin, but also a simple plastic container perforated for ventilation is great!
9. Making your lawn choice

Being surrounded by greenery is a nice feeling, but it may not be the most practical. In fact, a grass lawn requires a lot of care and continuous mowing, which is why it is sometimes preferable to choose a flowery lawn instead of a grassy one.
In this way, your lawn, even with minimal care, will be nice to look at because it will always be beautiful and fragrant!
10. Vertical plants
If you do not have a lot of space, you can take advantage of the vertical dimension! For example, tomatoes and pumpkins, for example, can grow vertically, if they are supported. You can buy and install a climbing net, or use whatever extra materials you have on hand and build your own supports!
11. Irrigation
Irrigation is a crucial issue when it comes to economizing. In fact, installing an efficient irrigation system will save you time, but above all money. There are many solutions, some that are also very easy to make!
12. Buy seeds and bulbs in the right season
It cannot be said that the best time to buy flowers, seeds, and plants is in the spring. In fact, it is in autumn, that many plant nurseries have sales on seeds and bulbs that, once put on the ground, will produce beautiful flowers in the following spring season!
13. Mulching
Mulching is a very important activity for the successful cultivation of flowers and plants. This activity consists in spreading mulch - bark, sticks or dry leaves, on the ground, in order to keep the soil moist and protected from the heat of the sun.
14. Welcome the birds
Do you want to attract birds --- and host them in your garden? All you need to do is offer them material useful for the construction of their nests, such as the dog or cat hair recovered after washing and brushing your pet dog or cat.