Every day for 6 years, this boy has carried his best friend on his back to allow him to attend school

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 16, 2019

Every day for 6 years, this boy has carried his best friend on his back to allow him to attend school

An adage says "Whoever finds a friend, finds a treasure", but in order to be universally valid, it would be necessary to specify: whoever finds a "true" friend.

Friendship is, in fact, a precious bond, since it happens when two souls meet who recognize each other and decide to accompany each other on this journey called "life", which from then on will take on completely different colors and vibrations.

Yet, finding a true friend is rare, because it is not just to keep someone company, but also to give them indispensable support to face their most difficult moments.

This is exactly what Xu Bingyang has given during the last six years by carrying his best friend Zhang Ze upon his back and shoulders to allow him to attend school.

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Xu and Zhang are both 12 years old and are in the sixth grade at the Hebazi City Central School - Qingshen County in China. And since they were six years old they have been best friends - in the most authentic sense of the words.

In fact, every day, since they have met, Xu carries Zhang on his back and shoulders to school, whether it rains or it is sunny and helps him move between classes and go to the bathroom.

Unfortunately, at the age of four, Zhang was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, a rare muscle condition - known as the "ragdoll disease" - that led him to lose control of his leg muscles entirely, preventing him from walking without assistance.

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Luckily, Zhang has a true friend who supports him not only morally, but above all physically. "Xu Bingyang is my best friend. Every day, he studies, chats, and plays with me. I thank him for taking care of me every day," Zhang told Sichuan Online, adding that he could never thank him enough for his kindness and altruism. 

For his part, Xu said that it is a pleasure to be his friend's "walking cane", and that it is not difficult to lift and hold him, considering that he weighs more than 88 lb (40 kg) and Zhang about 55 lb (25 kg).

Nonetheless, carrying Zhang is not simple, since, for example, it takes about three minutes to walk the 230 feet (70 meters) separating their class from the bathroom. And, for these short distances, Xu holds Zhang by the hand, lifting him to one side, and together they move slowly. Instead, when they have to climb stairs, Xu carries Zhang on his back and shoulders.

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During the first three years, Zhang was also helped by another boy, but then the boy had to change schools and only Xu remained to help Zhang.

Xu believes it is his responsibility to help the needy, and his  teachers have confirmed that the boy is hard-working, very mature, and generous: "For many years, he has continued to do good deeds and has never complained about this to his teachers or classmates."

He is also such a modest boy that he has never even talked about his altruistic gesture at home. In reality, for Xu, it is a life choice, because his greatest desire is to continue to help others, by doing volunteer work when he grows up.

Thanks to people like Xu, we can hope for a better world and more appreciation for the true meaning and value of friendship.
