This dog desperately chases his owner's car after being abandoned

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 30, 2019

This dog desperately chases his owner's car after being abandoned

Every year, at least 5 million dogs and cats around the world are abandoned on the streets and, if they are lucky, they are found and saved by rescue teams and volunteers and then these animals are given refuge in shelters dedicated to them.

Very often the reasons for the abandonment of these four-legged friends are many such as behavioral problems, work, displacements or relocation of the owners, and also family issues.

In any case, the result is always the same: these former pets suffer enormously.

via New York Times

BASED ON A Story/YouTube

BASED ON A Story/YouTube

In this video posted on YouTube by Stephen Sage Miller, we see the interaction between the owner who was abandoning his dog and the poor four-legged animal, a very energetic tail-wagging black Labrador.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that the dog was practically jumping for joy to be with its owner, as can be seen in Miller's video, the latter, was firmly determined to abandon his dog by the side of the road, just outside the county of Kern in California.

BASED ON A Story/YouTube

BASED ON A Story/YouTube

According to the New York Times, there will soon be an investigation conducted by the Department of Animal Protection of Kern County that will open a criminal case against the owner who abandoned the sweet Labrador on that deserted road, leaving the poor dog without any means of support. Fortunately, the dog has been entrusted to a local animal refuge center.

BASED ON A Story/YouTube

BASED ON A Story/YouTube

In Miller's short video, we see that the owner pushes the dog away and turns his back to enter the car and leave. And when the car starts to move away, the dog does not seem to understand what is happening, as it continues to show its happiness and loyalty, running and wagging its tail beside the car, until the vehicle accelerates and quickly moves away. 

These are very sad images that no one would ever want to to have to see and that make us understand how the problem of people abandoning their four-legged friends is still urgent and should never to be underestimated.

Let's hope that no one has to see any more defenseless animals like this sweet Labrador, the protagonist of this true story, being abandoned and left on a deserted road, in desperate search of their owner. 

