Aloe vera gel: here are all the benefits and simple steps to prepare it at home

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 14, 2019

Aloe vera gel: here are all the benefits and simple steps to prepare it at home

Aloe vera is a plant with countless beneficial qualities, widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry to make medicinal and body care products.

Rich in vitamins A, C, and E, aloe vera has antioxidant, moisturizing, decongestant, healing, refreshing, antibacterial and regenerating properties for the skin.

If you wish to avoid preservatives and chemical additives contained in commercial products, it is possible, to prepare your own, 100% natural, home-made alternative.



As a preliminary instruction, remember to water the aloe plants daily at least a week before cutting the leaves, which will then be used to create the gel. 


  • 3 aloe vera leaves 
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml) 
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil (15 g)

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Cut the number of aloe leaves needed for the volume of product you want to obtain. Prepare the leaves by first removing the side thorns, soaking them in water for at least 24 hours and remembering to be careful to replace the water every 3-4 hours. This step is essential to eliminate aloin, a substance present in the plant that can be toxic. 

Cut each leaf on one side and extract the pulp with a spoon or spatula. Transfer the pulp obtained into a container and then add the wheat germ oil and lemon juice. Combine the mixture with an electric mixer or a blender until a thick cream gel is obtained. Keep the mixture in the fridge in a jar or glass bottle, tightly closed.

For correct use, it is advisable to rub the mixture on the area of ​​the body concerned and repeat the operation at least three or four times a week.



The uses for aloe vera gel are many, for example, it can be used to purify the skin, prevent acne, clear blocked pores, treat inflammation, skin irritation or lesions, and help to prevent the formation of pimples and blackheads, etc.

Aloe vera gel is also excellent for protecting the skin from the sun's rays, relieving sunburns, preventing stretch marks, and aging. In addition, aloe vera gel is excellent for toning and firming skin tissues, fighting itchy dermatitis, psoriasis, and dry cracked skin.

A true elixir of beauty and well-being that is completely biological and economical, to help you to always present a youthful, well-groomed, and glowing appearance!
