A 13-year-old girl is teased because she collects litter in her city and now she has gained worldwide attention

If everyone in their own small way, took personal responsibility to stem the widespread problem of pollution in our environment, planet Earth would be a better place.
This is because there are no global initiatives that can take the place of all the people who are sincere and sensitive to the fate of our common home.
Case in point is what this story teaches us, which involves Nadia Sparkes, a 13-year-old girl from Norwich in England, who was ridiculed for collecting litter from the streets before and after she left school.
via BBC UK

Every day, Nadia leaves home to head to the Norwich High School in Britain and picks up several pounds of litter and trash left in the streets of her charming English town.
If the gesture of this determined 13-year-old girl has inspired some of her local peers to follow her initiative to make the planet a better place to live, many instead constantly ridicule her by throwing trash at her and calling her by the derogatory name "trash girl".
But this name appeals to Nadia because she feels it puts her more in the category of a superheroine dedicated to the preservation of the planet, and it is no coincidence that now her Facebook page Team Trash Girl has been noted on the Internet and is becoming very popular all over England.

Therefore, this thirteen-year-old from Norwich has made quite a bit of progress since she first started, every morning collecting trash from the streets to and from Hellesdon High school, cleaning up the town of all the plastic and cans in which it is submerged.
This is an initiative so effective and full of positive feelings about the health of our planet that the same school attended by Nadia Sparkes has decided to transform it into an artistic charity project.
How to end this article if not by wishing the best of luck to this 13-year-old girl, who is an example of love for our environment that should inspire everyone.