It may seem to be a horse like all the others, but looking at it closely, you will understand why he is considered the most beautiful horse in the world

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 20, 2019

It may seem to be a horse like all the others, but looking at it closely, you will understand why he is considered the most beautiful horse in the world

Did you know that even some particular horse breeds are currently on the endangered species list?

There is a breed of horses that has risked extinction from the planet Earth three times, and today it is considered the most beautiful breed of horses in the world among its peers. Is this still hard to believe?

Then read the story of Frederick, the Great, a rare example of a Friesian stallion that according to the  Guinness Book of World Records is considered to be the "most beautiful horse in the world"!

via Daily Mail



Frederick is a fantastic specimen of a majestic Frisian stallion and currently lives in the Pinnacle Friesians reserve in the United States together with Stacy Nazario, the breeder who now, also thanks to the spread of Frederick's popularity through his Facebook page, is attempting in every way possible to preserve the Friesian stallion and to keep the breed alive and well in the coming years.



Frederick the Great has been awarded the title of the most beautiful horse in the world and, to date, has over 14,000 followers on his Facebook page. The immediate success of the Frisian stallion is all icing on the cake for the breeder Stacy Nazario, responsible for the thoroughbred breeding of this rare type of horse which is located at Pinnacle Friesians, in the Ozark Mountains in the USA. 

Frederick's images not only seem to catapult us towards an imaginary world of knights on a rescue mission riding this magnificent specimen, but his majestic mane inspires the awe and reverence that only a "king" of all the horses can aspire to instill. 

Long life to Frederick the Great!

He set me dreaming..... ~ ......signed Frederik the Great

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I was born with a enormous need for affection, and a great need to give it ~ Audrey Hepburn ~ "As I" signed, Frederik the Great

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