One day you will understand that going home and having dinner with your family means having everything in life

We are always looking for something. Something better, perfect, bigger or more luxurious. A better job, fashionable clothing, a bigger house or car.
Yet the most precious thing is something we already have. Right there, around that dinner table: our family.
We plan our days in view of the "best time" ... The best time to go to the park, to call that friend we haven't heard from in a long time, or to take care of ourselves ...
We arrange our lives to facilitate the search of material things and leave everything for later, because it is not yet the perfect moment, without knowing that the real treasure is the time we have available to us today.

Because there will come a time when we will realize that --- that time, those moments, have already passed, slipped through our fingers, leaving us engaged in things that are a waste of energy ... And for what? Have you ever asked yourself?
There will be a day when the house will be all in order, in which everything will be in its place. Everything ... But not everyone. Not us, not them.
The silence will be deafening and we will think back about the dinners, with everyone, all together, about the chaotic confusion of those moments, the cookie crumbs on the floor, the laughter or to the tears for not eating your vegetables. And all this, to which we do not attach any importance today, will be missed tomorrow.

That table loaded with food at which we sit distracted, those dinners that are not elegant, that do not include using "the good dishware", those meals that we sometimes consume in pajamas. Yes, they are the ones we will miss.
Of course, we will not be tired like now and we will have other satisfactions probably ... But that table will never be the same, those dinners will not come back. On that day, we will understand that having dinner together with our family already meant having everything in life.
Because those dinners were rich, not with food or fancy dishware, simply rich with the presence of us, of our children, of our dearest friends, of our grandparents on Sunday, of our distant aunts and uncles, brothers or sisters. Because having family dinner together is already having everything ... Every day is unique, every breakfast in pajamas and every dinner, even if made of leftovers, is a special moment.
Because they are all moments that will never come back, that you do not know how long will last ... They are all precious time. Moments that are worth living for.