This puppy was abandoned in his favorite chair and sat there waiting for his owner

Abandoning a dog with whom happy moments have been spent does not only mean performing a gesture that puts the animal's safety at risk but also it completely betrays its trust.
Dogs, like no other domestic animal, manage to become so attached to those who take care of them that abandoning them and leaving them to their fate is a true act of cruelty.
It is not said, in fact, that everyone can manage to continue to take care of their four-legged friend but, if this should not be possible anymore, it is a must to find a solution that does not condemn the animal to abandonment and to its many potential dangers.
The story we are about to tell you, in this sense, is exemplary.
via Metro UK
We are in Brookhaven, a town in Mississippi, in the United States. Here, on 24 June 2019, one of the many cases of a dog being abandoned by the side of the road occurred.
In this case, the scene observed by the witnesses of the gesture was rather heartbreaking. According to reports received by the local police, in fact, a truck pulled up to the side of the road, to unload a television, a mattress and an armchair, but not only.
The man driving the vehicle also left a brown puppy sitting in the armchair, obviously scared, malnourished, and disoriented.
Upon arrival on the scene of police officers and animal protection volunteers, there was no way to get the dog off the armchair, which for it remained the only "familiar" object where it could protect itself and wait for the return of its owner.

No one, however, would return to take him home. So Sharon Norton, of the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League not only decided to take care of the little puppy but to react in an exemplary manner to what had happened.
After taking pictures of the frightened puppy in the armchair, he posted this message on Facebook, that went viral:
"To the person who left this chair: Your puppy was waiting for me to come back, slowly dying of hunger because he was afraid to move around to look for food. Shame on you for doing this."
Words that are direct and appropriate to the gravity of the gesture, which hopefully have reached the person concerned.
The moving photos of the little dog received many shares, as well as surprised and indignant comments from the users who viewed them.
Fortunately, the little brown puppy has found refuge and all the necessary care at the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League adoption center.
Here, the little puppy is returning to health and will soon be entrusted to those who will finally be able to give him all the love and protection he needs.