Here is what to do IMMEDIATELY when you find tick eggs!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 17, 2019

Here is what to do IMMEDIATELY when you find tick eggs!

Ticks are among the most harmful and annoying pests that can be found in circulation!

Unfortunately, it is not so difficult to come across these tiny and annoying animals, especially in warm and sunny weather when you spend your days outdoors, perhaps in nature while wearing clothes that leave parts of your body uncovered.

As it is known, ticks attach themselves to animal fur or hair. Therefore, it is necessary to be cautious and to act immediately, even if you find only their eggs.



Ticks are capable of transmitting serious diseases such as encephalitis, Lyme disease, and many others.

According to natural history expert Didrik Vanhoenacker, this type of animal is capable of doing damage even when it is present only in its larval or egg stage.

In this regard, it would be the case to learn to immediately recognize tick eggs, precisely to avoid incurring much more serious problems later.

Sometimes, it can happen that you notice strange substances on a leaf, thinking that it is resin or some other kind of vegetable product, but in many cases, you are looking at eggs laid by animals or insects.


Usually, eggs laid by ticks appear visually as a gelatinous mass with a greenish or reddish color, like small clusters of tiny balls.

If you happen to notice something that even remotely resembles what has been described or what you see in the photos, you should intervene promptly.

The procedure to be performed is very simple, just act quickly and adopt some safety precautions. First of all, wear rubber gloves to prevent any of the gelatinous substance from coming into contact with your skin.

Next, remove the gelatinous mass from the leaf or wherever the tick eggs have been laid and place it gently in a plastic bag, taking care not to break or crush the eggs while moving them.

At this point, you can decide whether to throw the plastic bag in the garbage or even better --- to burn it, to eliminate any further risks.
