The bride's father stops the wedding ceremony so that her stepfather can also accompany her to the altar

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 20, 2019

The bride's father stops the wedding ceremony so that her stepfather can also accompany her to the altar

A parent is not just someone who contributes biologically to give birth to a new life but also, or perhaps above all, someone who takes care of their offspring.

The world is full of "fathers" but not so much of "dads", that is to say, those men who remain close to their sons and daughters, helping them to grow up and who are always there when they need them.

This story speaks of paternal love at 360°, and how this feeling can also unite people who are very different.


Delia D Blackburn Photography

Delia D Blackburn Photography

Brittany Bachman's wedding day was really special, not just for the event itself, but for the way the bride was led to the altar.

As usual, it was up to her father, Todd to take her arm and give her to her husband, but among the guests, there was also another man named Todd, that is to say, Todd Cendrosky, Brittany's stepfather due to her mother's remarriage.

Surprising everyone present, the natural father turned to his namesake in the crowd and grabbed him! He then dragged him along to share the honor of accompanying the bride down the aisle.

Delia D Blackburn Photography

Delia D Blackburn Photography

The moving scene was immortalized by Delia Blackburn, a photographer who was there to take photos and film the wedding ceremony.

The image published on Facebook in the bride's photo album received over 1 million likes.

Moreover, the story was also reported by WKYC-TV, that interviewed Cendrosky who declared: "Bachman came up to me and said, 'You worked as hard as I did to raise her, so you have to be present too, to walk our daughter down the aisle.' " --- I felt my legs tremble, it was the most intense moment of my life."

Delia D Blackburn Photography

Delia D Blackburn Photography

Todd Bachman also spoke to the same TV station saying: "Brittany's stepfather and I didn't always agree, we had our differences, but he was essential to raising our daughter. I thought that there could be no better way to show him gratitude for what he has done all these years as a parent."

Delia D Blackburn Photography

Delia D Blackburn Photography

The bride was overwhelmed by emotion, as she saw yourself being escorted by her "two fathers" down the aisle. It was a moment of great love and understanding that testifies how deep and true the affection of a parent, natural or adopted, can be for a son or daughter.
