At 7 years old, this autistic little boy can speak 9 languages and has amazed the world!

Forget movies like "Rain Man" or "Codice Mercury" because there is nothing beautiful about autism and it is not a kind of superpower.
Autism is a pathological and genetic condition that causes cognitive development and communication problems at different levels.
In fact, the acronym used is ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorders, which includes a wide range of manifestations, from the mildest to the most serious.
Moreover, each manifestation requires specific treatments to guarantee the individual a better quality of life.
Rafael Mayer is a 7-year-old boy who at the age of two was diagnosed with severe autism. The third of four children, and the only one to manifest these symptoms, the child did not speak or interact with anyone.
This situation was, naturally, of no small concern for his parents Juli and Valcir who were very worried about their son, Rafael's future.
The family lives in Timbò, in the state of Santa Caterina, in southern Brazil, in a simple and modest home environment. Although, Rafael was taken to several doctors to be examined, unfortunately, none of them could do anything to improve his condition.
Moreover, all the various treatments and methods had been tried, including speech therapy sessions, but without any encouraging results.
On the advice of some specialists, Rafael's mother gave him a tablet computer to use, so the little boy started spending a lot of time with the electronic device, watching a lot of videos on YouTube.
Then when Rafael was about four years old, during a speech therapy session, it was discovered that he was able to speak in English!
According to his doctors, the rapid learning of a foreign language by the child occurred thanks to a phenomenon known as "hyper concentration".
This is an ability that is manifested and developed in only 10% of individuals with ASD that allows them to quickly absorb information of interest thanks to the total absence of other distractions.
At first, it was complicated for the Mayer family as Rafael spoke only in English.
Fortunately, after only one year, the little boy had already learned to manage Portuguese, although English still remained in effect his mother tongue.
By the age of seven, Rafael had learned to manage languages such as Spanish, Japanese, Russian, German, and Italian.
Recently, Rafael's diagnosis has been changed from severe to moderate autism, and although he has never been given any medication, his progress in interacting with the outside world has been truly extraordinary!
Currently, the young boy is learning ... Arabic!