A homeless man is hospitalized and all his four-legged friends wait for him patiently outside the hospital

Dogs are truly "man's best friend"! A dog remains faithful to their master forever, asking for nothing in return except a bit of food, some pampering, and respect --- in short, nothing that is exaggerated!
Whether a dog is given top-quality food or is living in a luxury home, does not really matter to a dog. What matters is the relationship of friendship that inextricably links it to its owner.
The story we would like to tell you about speaks precisely of this powerful bond between a homeless man and his family of dogs.
It is reported that the man has lived all his life on the street, together with his beloved four-legged companions. And, when he was struck by a heart attack, all his dogs remained beside him, in their own way.
via Metro UK

Facebook / Amigos de Patas Cianorte
Luiz, is a middle-aged Brazilian man, who has never had a roof over his head and has always shared his "home" under the stars with his four-legged friends.
Many times his family has tried to dissuade him from a life on the street, but he has never accepted their help and has always remained true to his lifestyle.
Struck by a heart attack, the man was immediately transported to the hospital where he was hospitalized for several days before he stabilized.
His dogs followed him from the first moment, chasing the ambulance that transported Luiz to the nearest hospital, and if they could, they would certainly have entered the operating room with him. The hospital staff witnessed the incredible scene and captured it all on video.
Finding the doors of the hospital closed, Luis's four-legged friends took up sentinel positions around the outside entranceway, waiting patiently to see their owner and friend again.
However, due to their concern, they began to howl and whine in desperation, the whole time they were waiting outside the hospital building.

Facebook / Amigos de Patas Cianorte
The organization Amigos de Patas Cianorte, that works in defense of animals, managed to bring some care and relief to the dogs, who were evidently experiencing a situation of great stress.
Fortunately, Luiz's operation was a success and within a few days he had recovered but, once discharged, he was unable to immediately see his faithful animals as Luiz was entrusted to his brother's care.
The dogs, unaware that Luiz had left the hospital, continued to wait for Luiz outside the hospital anyway, so much so that eventually one of the volunteers had to go in person to Luiz's brother's house to retrieve Luiz.
The homeless man was not surprised by the loyalty of his dogs. In fact, he had always known this and, for that very reason, he had always loved them.

Facebook / Amigos de Patas Cianorte
Luiz, who in addition to having physical problems also suffers from some mental health issues, agreed to accept some basic medical care, a shower, and some food, before resuming his usual life together with his faithful four-legged companions.
This is a story that reminds us of how important a dog can be in our lives! And how, perhaps, some people really do not do enough to return the affection and the absolute loyalty that these creatures give us every day.
This is certainly not the case with Luiz, who has dedicated his entire life to these beautiful animals!