Jon Bon Jovi is a star of social solidarity because, in his restaurants, needy people can eat for free

There are those who have been following his musical career for a lifetime.
And there are those who have appreciated him for his successful TV series appearances or those who know him only for being the author of the soundtrack of the movie, "Armageddon".
The person in question is Jon Bon Jovi, rocker, model, activist, actor and last but definitely not least, philanthropist.
In fact, the popular music artist has given life to the JBJ Soul Foundation, a not-for-profit charity company headed by the Soul Kitchen brand.
via The Guardian
Soul Kitchen is a brand in the catering sector that currently includes two locations in New Jersey.
The first was opened in the Red Bank area, the birthplace of the rock singer, while the second was inaugurated near Toms River.
The peculiarity of these two restaurants is that the meals are free for those who cannot pay.
In fact, paying the bill is optional and the restaurant accepts at maximum, symbolic 10 or 20-dollar donations. In any case, those who cannot afford to pay are welcome to eat there and can then help out in the kitchen.
According to the data published on the restaurant website, 49% of the meals are served totally free and repaid with voluntary work by those who have no means of support. The other 51% of the meals are instead financed by donations from regular patrons.
To sit at a table, it is not necessary to book a place, and everyone shares their place with other diners, which favors social interaction.
The menu changes every 10 days and includes three typical American dishes: soup or salad, a main course of meat or fish, a vegetarian alternative (also gluten-free) and a dessert. The ingredients are all organic and are grown directly on local farms.
The JBJ Soul Foundation aims to combat poverty and social inequalities throughout New Jersey and expects to increasingly expand its sphere of activity.
In fact, in the Philadelphia area, the organization has had homes built for the homeless, for young people, and for war veterans, as well as a facility that provides shelter and medical assistance for adolescent mothers, children, and homeless people.
The JBS Soul foundation also runs a program to promote the professional integration of people, through job training placement, facilitating job interviews, and occupational and career guidance counseling.