Two neighbors make a door in their fence to let their inseparable dogs play together

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 19, 2019

Two neighbors make a door in their fence to let their inseparable dogs play together

The affection and complicity between animals of the same species form an invisible bond that not even humans can sometimes break.

Here we have from Hailee, an American girl who adopted a stray puppy from the streets, an amusing and stirring testimony of this invisible thread of friendship and solidarity. 

Hailee named the little male puppy Potato (affectionately nicknamed "Tato"), who just could not stay away from their neighbor's dog, also a male, named Vernon.

via The Dodo



When Hailee noticed that Tate and Vernon were constantly searching for each other from behind the fence, the girl immediately thought of a creative idea to let that beautiful friendship between little dogs grow and thrive.

In order to prevent Tate and Vernon from continuing to dig holes in the ground under the fence to reach each other, the two neighboring owners initially thought to let them play for a few hours a week together. But obviously, that wouldn't have been enough for the two dogs.



So Hailee had a brilliant idea! Why not build a little door in the fence to make sure that the two dogs could meet each time they wanted, with total independence?

Vernon's owner welcomed the idea whole-heartedly, and the following weekend, the little door in the fence had already been built!

Animals Lives Matter/Facebook

Animals Lives Matter/Facebook

Now, Tate and Vernon are very happy together, free to meet and play whenever they wish and for as long as they want!

Furthermore, the little door in the fence between the two owners has also kindled a sense of kindness and collaboration in the community and neighborhood that hasn't been seen for a long time.

What an inspiring story full of positive thoughts and actions!
