These two cousins were separated as children during the Holocaust and now they meet again

As we know, entire families were separated and literally wiped out by the Nazis during the Second World War.
It is very rare to hear stories of that period that do not have a tragic ending, yet, some of those who resisted and survived the Holocaust and horror of that time are still alive.
Case in point is that of two cousins, Morris Sana and Simon Mairowitz, who have spent 75 years of their lives fearing the worst since they were not able to find each other after the end of the war.
Now, instead, they have met again for the first time after all these years. The moving scene was captured on video by the niece of one of the two elderly gentlemen.

Born in Romania in the late 1930s, Morris and Simon were best friends, but when the invasion of the Nazi army came in 1940, their families were forced to flee the country in opposite directions.
Both almost immediately lost track of each other and soon began to think that their best friend had ended up in a concentration camp.
It took many decades before Morris's niece accidentally met Simon's daughter while searching for distant relatives on Facebook.

The two made contact on Facebook and discovered the whereabouts of their elderly relatives. The two women learned that Morris was living in Raanana, Israel and that Simon was in the United Kingdom.
From that moment on, it took only a little organization to prepare a beautiful reunion in Tel Aviv, Israel. The moment when the two cousins re-embraced was captured on video by relatives and it was truly exciting for everyone.
In the instant when Simon sees his cousin, his face lights up: "What a pleasure to see you again!" Morris greets him, rushing to give him a tight hug. Simon, visibly moved, holds his cousin's face gently in his hands and replies: "It's good to see you after all these years".
Both men deeply moved, cry for the happiness of having found each other and for the long lost time, spent without ever having seen each other again.
In the video, Morris tells Simon that he has thought of him often over the years, particularly that period of their childhood in Romania. "I always think of you like when you were a little boy," he said. "You remember, right?"

It was truly a beautiful moment! And their meeting was really a pleasure to behold. Both are now 80 years old, but they plan to meet as often as possible, now that they have finally found each other.
A story that, despite the tragedy, has thankfully had a happy ending.