Sleeping near snoring people can be harmful to our health as revealed by scientific research

Many people have relatives, partners or friends who, when they go to sleep to get their well-deserved rest, they start to snore and make noises that make the sleep of those around them a real nightmare.
This is a widespread problem that characterizes the sleep of a large number of people. However, beyond the health problems that people who snore may have themselves, we must also consider the effect on others.
Yes, indeed, it is a good idea to also think about those who find themselves living and sleeping with them every night, perhaps in the same bed, in the same room or in the same house.
Being continually subjected to the noise of others who snore, in fact, can be - in the long run - rather harmful to our health. The scientific research we are about to talk about explains why.

Sleep Disorder Center/Facebook
Yes, scientists have focused on the problems that could arise in people who sleep near those who snore, to discover all the risks associated with a lack of sleep, or at least with poor sleep, disturbed by too much noise.
Lack of sleep leads to health problems that we often tend to underestimate. Being in contact with constant noises, like snoring, can make you lose precious hours of rest, vital to the body to "recharge" after a day of activity.
At the same time, a peaceful and above all, uninterrupted sleep promotes metabolism regulation and memory consolidation.
All this, for those who sleep next to a person who snores, may not be so obvious. The phases of sleep, for these people, are irregular, and this affects their general well-being.
A research study conducted by Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, sought to evaluate the effects of the noise produced by snoring both on those who emit it and on whoever is beside them.

By selecting four couples between the ages of 35 and 55 in which one of them snored, the researchers concluded that the effects of snoring were not so evident on the person who snored as they were on those around them.
All the partners of the "snorers", in fact, have suffered psycho-physical consequences due to their constant exposure to this nocturnal noise.
Moreover, many times experts have insisted on the importance of silence and the necessity of recreating a quiet and peaceful environment away from the noises that we are subjected to every day.
According to findings from the Imperial College of Science in London, those who live near airports or noisy places, are more exposed to risks of hearing problems, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, and irritability.

In fact, the London researchers confirmed that the greater the volume of noise, the more the body runs the risk of developing similar problems, regardless of whether the people subjected to such noise were awake or not.
These risks, according to what scientists have concluded, can be equally valid for any sound that exceeds 35 decibels, as in the case of snoring.
In short, the results of these researches should make many people reflect on the need to resolve their problems of snoring, obviously also through advice and medical therapies.
Their health and well-being, as well as those of those around them, will benefit enormously.