After sixteen long years and numerous attempts, a woman finally gives birth at the age of 50

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 27, 2019

After sixteen long years and numerous attempts, a woman finally gives birth at the age of 50

There are many couples who would love to have a child, but unfortunately, they are not always able to fulfill this desire.

Many try, sometimes for years, even undergoing various medical treatments and encountering a lot of suffering, both physical and psychological.

And, it is not uncommon, that after so many attempts they must resign themselves and go on in life, putting aside this beautiful dream.

Sometimes, however, things take an unexpected turn, and it happens that nature gives a stubborn woman a helping hand and a miracle happens.

via Mirror

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The birth of little William was truly a miracle for Louise Warenford and her husband Mark, who had spent sixteen long years trying to have a child.

Years marked with as many as 18 spontaneous abortions, a lot of suffering intertwined with hope and, every time, great pain, and a lot of disappointment.

Yet Louise never really lost hope of fulfilling this great dream and, finally, through the Medical Travel to Gynem Fertility Clinic, she has been able to solve her problem.

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The woman, who is almost 50 years old, was thus able to carry her pregnancy to full term, and little William arrived after a cesarean section and years of hope.

Finally, the couple was able to experience this immense joy of holding their child in their arms, and they still say they are incredulous.

It happens that sometimes Louise and Mark are mistaken for the child's grandparents, given their age, but they don't care. They are happy and love him more than anything else in the world.

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The couple wanted to share this story to give hope and strength to those who are experiencing the same heartache and to invite them not to be discouraged and to never give up.

The story of Louise is truly exceptional but it is not the only one, there are be many others to tell. They are stories of women who sacrifice their whole lives to fulfilling their dream.

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These are stories of hope and perseverance, stories of miracles, not shared by all, but which surely make us reflect on the fact that everything is possible and that, sometimes, miracles do happen.
