This 4-year-old boy born with half a heart donated his Christmas gifts to needy children

When a child is born with a malformation or a serious health problem, surely the parents already know that his life can never be the same in all respects as that of many peers.
There are many complications and difficulties to face, and a lot of courage is needed, both on the part of the child and his family, to go on, fighting to live day after day.
Elliott Wyche, a 4-year-old boy from Arlington, Texas knows this very well: a small man with a really huge heart. So big as to make it a real example for everyone.
via Today

Elliott's heart, in reality, if we dwell on the real dimensions, is smaller than that of a child of his age.
To be exact, it is half, due to the hypoplastic heart syndrome, a serious pathology that gave rise to it exactly with half a heart, since it limits the development of the left side of the organ.

Since birth, the baby has had to face three open-hearted interventions, but all this has not prevented him from moving forward and always showing that he has enormous willpower, even in the most adverse circumstances.
But Elliott, in addition to giving courage to himself and his parents, has also managed to give hope and happiness to many of his peers who need it.

With the motto 'half heart, double fight', the Facebook page managed by the parents has always been inundated with supporters, messages of closeness and esteem towards the child.
And on the occasion of Christmas, Elliott did not miss the gifts of many people who follow his daily battle against the disease.
The dozens of gifts received by the boy, however, have been reused in a truly wonderful way.

The boy decided that he would in turn give gifts to needy children.
Thanks to his hometown police department's Santa Cops program, Elliott was thrilled to welcome the police officers who collected his games and then delivered them to the less fortunate children.
It would have been easy, and even understandable, for the child to keep everything to himself, also considering the difficulties of his life, and instead it was not so.

The boy managed to do good even though he was not in a normal condition.
So much was the appreciation of the police officers that the policemen decided to take him for a ride on their SWAT team van, making Elliott wear a police jacket while playing with a remote-controlled robot.
If a child with such serious health problems manages to make such an exemplary gesture to make his proximity felt to others, it means that we are facing a simply extraordinary person.
This little hero has taught everyone that, despite the adversities of life, it is always possible to find courage, gain strength and even give concrete help to those who are less fortunate.
Other than small: Elliott's is a very, very big heart!