Every morning this dog decides when his owner must wake up and the man films the scenario because nobody believes him

When you become a parent, you are preparing to face a long period of sleepless nights, due to the possible and frequent nighttime awakenings of the newcomer.
In a short span of time, you will even find yourself waking up in the middle of the night to make sure your newborn baby is well and needs nothing.
If all this is true when there are small children involved, it also becomes true when it comes to cats and dogs.
Why? Because these pets are particularly inclined to constantly wanting to attract the attention of their owner at any time of the day or night!
This young man had to film the scene of the way his playful dog always awakens him up in the morning because nobody believed him!
"Hi .. are you awake?"

Lexi is a beautiful milk-white Samoyed dog, who wakes her owner up every morning whenever she decides.
It does not matter the time or if the man went to sleep very late the night before - when Lexi decides that it is time to wake up and get moving, she makes sure that her beloved master jumps out of bed.
"Come on! ... Wake up already!?!"

Do you want to see something that will make you laugh? Watch the funny video of Lexi trying in every way to wake up her human "dad".