This kind dog saves a kitten from the chilly rain and brings it home with her as if it were her friend

Even if movies, cartoons, and other forms of entertainment seem to suggest otherwise, dogs and cats can definitely be friends and this true story proves it.
Hazel is a female dog that is a nice mix between a Yorkie, Chihuahua, and poodle who lives in Abilene, Texas.
This mix of breeds makes her a unique dog, in fact, in addition to her gentleness, Hazel also stands out for being very friendly.
And it was precisely that quality that saved the life of a poor helpless kitten.
via Happily

On a gray and chilly rainy day, Hazel's owners let her go out into the garden to do her business.
In fact, despite the heavy rain and cold, Hazel had to remain outside for a few minutes to eliminate even though the weather was bad, but this time the dog took more than a few minutes to come back inside the house...
But Monica, the dog's owner, says that everything went more or less according to Hazel's routine until she returned home with a totally unexpected surprise.
The little dog, that now hurried to enter the house again and escape the rain, continued to stare at a point in the direction of his owner's garage. Furthermore, Hazel, in spite of the relentless rain also began barking and running toward the garage and then back to the house!

Monica was surprised at Hazel's strange behavior, but what she did not know was that in the garage there was an abandoned kitten, no more than a week old, trying to escape from the cold and the rain.
The small male kitten could do nothing but meow weakly, which was what had caught Hazel's attention. Instead of attacking the little kitten, frightening it, or simply ignoring it, Hazel wanted to transport the little cold and wet kitten from its makeshift shelter into the house.
Monica could not believe her eyes when she saw that her little dog had gone out and returned with what seemed to be a newly adopted friend!

The little kitten walked awkwardly in the rain while following Hazel as she took a few steps and then turned to make sure that her new friend was following her.
Then, upon arriving at the house, the little kitten was unable to climb the steps that would allow it to enter the house, so Hazel gently grabbed the kitten with her muzzle to lift and carry him inside the house!
In this way, they both entered the house and Hazel immediately carried the kitten to her dog bed to warm him up. Monica, meanwhile, seemed stunned!
It would seem that her little dog had adopted a kitten and now Monica would have to make a decision: whether or not to keep the kitten as a house pet!
The little kitten was allowed to stay for a while, but eventually Sheba, that was what the kitten was named, went to live happily with Monica's brother, Michael.
Once again, the query is—who said that friendship between a dog and a cat cannot exist?