A dog digs a hole to free a little monkey kept in a wire cage and after a lot of effort he manages to free it

Each of you at various times has been thrilled by a video or a story featuring exceptional animals and pets.
Unlike humans, animals are not driven by ulterior motives and what they do is usually completely spontaneous (unless they have been trained to perform certain tasks, of course).
Having said that, seeing a dog that decides to do everything it can to free a little monkey kept in a cage, illustrates the great sense of compassion that exists between many animals, and that may appear to be missing when it comes to some human beings.

A video was uploaded on Youtube of which there is very little information. However, what you see in the video is enough to suggest a very important message.
In fact, in the video, we see a male dog and a little female monkey. The latter is kept in a wire cage and is wearing tailor-made clothes. The wire cage has been constructed on bare and flat ground composed of sandy soil.
Consequently, the consistency of the soil allows the dog to dig near one of the outer edges of the wire cage, in order to create a passageway that will allow the little monkey to get free!

Although the conditions in which the little female monkey is kept are not clearly understood, judging by her desire to get out of the wire cage, we can assume that she does not like being in there very much at all.
In order to escape, the little monkey attracts the attention of the dog, who somehow immediately understands what to do to get her out.
The dog starts digging a hole, but it is not as easy as it seems. In fact, the dog interrupts his efforts several times, but the little monkey always urges him to continue by calling out and touching him.
Then at some point, the dog tries to change his strategy by biting and pulling on the wire cage, but the monkey returns to show him that digging the hole, is the fastest and most effective way.
Eventually, the plan is brought to completion! And the monkey, also not without a bit of effort on her part, manages to squeeze under the small escape route that the dog has created—and together they start to run and play!
Since a lot of information is lacking about the circumstances of the video, there are several possible interpretations of the incident!
But what is be more easily understood is the sense of kindness and compassion displayed between these two animals that are different from each other - that can appear to exceed that which is shown between some human beings!
Furthermore, to be honest, the video also gives us the opportunity to reach another conclusion—namely, that animals are not made to be kept in cages!