Woman decorates her Christmas tree all year long

The dreaded time comes every year, after the month of December is over, January comes along and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, feels like taking down their tree and shoving it into the garage for the next 11 months. After all that time spent decorating it, now we have to take off the lights, all the ornaments, and take it down piece by piece. It's a real pain, but one California real-estate agent seems to have given this tree a genius alternative use, valid all year long.
via The Sun

As you can see on her Instagram, Nadia Colucci has posted some fun pics of herself and her 'Christmas Tree', which she claims NOT to have taken down from December 2018 all the way to one year later. Why so? It's simple: Nadia has decided to decorate her tree for every other holiday of the year. The pictures have not only immediately made their way around the web, but have also inspired thousands of people to do the same! They decorate their tree from season to season, without ever taking it out of the living room!

First, Nadia started off like everyone else, with basic Christmas decorations. After that came Valentine's day, and then it was hit by a wave of green with Saint Patty's day in March, followed by the obviously popular and pastel Easter in spring.

In the summer, it was 4th of July's turn, Independence day HAD to have its shining moment; a Halloween theme represented the fall season, which paved the way for the Thanksgiving decorations in November. After all this, it was time to end the year with Christmas.

This 12-month long experiment was a huge success, and allowed Nadia not only to keep her Christmas tree in place, but also to make good and exciting use of it all year long!