A husband and wife have created a "superfamily" with 16 children and have absolutely no regrets

There are some women who feel the desire to become mothers right away and others who, instead, wait for the moment that according to them seems more suitable to give birth and take care of another human being.
Therefore, there is no right or wrong, it is just a matter of knowing what you want out of life and then to define and set your priorities.
And Lyette Reback must have already figured out what she wanted from life before she turned 20 (congratulations!) because at the age of 19, she met her future husband David Kay and after only 10 days she decided to marry him!
And two years later, Lyette was pregnant with their first daughter and could not have wished for anything more. And today, she is 44 years old and has 16 children—11 biological and 5 adopted—a super family!
via Dailymail

In regards to the family budget, according to the couple, the family spends about $650 a week just on food alone, which they buy from a wholesale store.
Therefore, although raising children can be considered a great lifestyle choice - or at least, this is what Lyette and her husband David obviously think - it is a choice that certainly involves costs as well as responsibilities.