A young woman rescues and adopts a stray kitten and months later she discovers that it was a cougar cub

It could certainly happen that a person runs into a poor kitten abandoned in on the streets - and rescuing it would be the first thing to do, without any hesitation!
In fact, Florencia Nobo did not think twice after she caught a glimpse of two stray kittens in difficulty, while she was quietly strolling down the streets of her city, in Argentina.
Together with her little brother, Florencia decided to take those two kittens to a veterinary clinic, to make sure they were not sick. So far, everything seems normal, right?
Well, not exactly, because after a couple of months, one of the kittens had died and the one that had survived had begun to grow all out of proportion and had become a feline that was obviously not a domestic cat!
And this is how Florencia discovered that instead of saving two kittens that day, they actually were ... cougar cubs!
via RTE
In fact, of those two kittens, one male and one female, unfortunately, one had died. Only the male kitten managed to survive and, thanks to getting the necessary care, it recovered.