A two-year old has a chat with his dog that ends up entertaining his entire family

by Cylia Queen

April 08, 2020

A two-year old has a chat with his dog that ends up entertaining his entire family

The bond that grows between a child and their dog is truly a unique and special one. It offers them both a lifetime of fun, companionship and comradely. Dogs have a special ability in taking care of their small human friends in ways we wouldn't even expect. 

Stories and personal accounts across centuries have demonstrated just how unique the tie between dogs and children can be. From the she-wolf caring for Romulus and Remus (the twin brother/founders of Rome) to Lassie the dog and his owner Timmy, a dog's faithfulness to his master has stood against the test of time. The episode we are about to share with you may not be Lassie saving Timmy from a well, but it demonstrates how well dogs and toddlers sometimes understand each other.     

via Alixandria Smith/Facebook

This is what you get when your Toddler realizes he can talk to the Husky 🙆🏼‍♀️ To purchase this video for media use visit http://video.storyful.com For Storyful Newswire subscription inquiries, please contact sales@storyful.com

Pubblicato da Alixandria Smith su Martedì 25 febbraio 2020

Alixandria Smith/Facebook

When Braxton came into the world, the family's siberian husky never let him out of his sight for a minute. They spend all of their time together, in fact. That's why it came as no surprise to anyone when they discovered that Braxton and the husky developed their own "language" to communicate with each other. 

The interaction between Braxton and his dog was so precious that Braxton's mother couldn't resist filming it and then posting it online. If you're having a particularly difficult day, watching the video once through will be enough to put a smile on your face. 

Alixandria Smith/Facebook

Alixandria Smith/Facebook

Braxton and his pet husky demonstrate to us all that a bond between and child and their dog is not just about having each other's back. It's also about communicating and interacting with one another, no matter how funny their means of communication might seem! 

They’re seriously best friends.... only frustration for Braxton lately is that Boston can’t hold a hockey stick 😂

Pubblicato da Alixandria Smith su Sabato 26 ottobre 2019