The white-browed tit-warbler is a cute bird with multicolored feathers that looks like it came out of a Disney cartoon

Warblers are very common birds in many parts of the world, but we have rarely seen such beautiful and fascinating ones. As you can see from the photos, in fact, this Leptopoecile sophiae, or the white-browed tit-warbler, has multicolored feathers. Think of the colors of the rainbow and transfer them to the plumage of this cute little bird! Being a species that presents sexual dichromatism, only the male specimens have such brightly colored feathers; females, on the other hand, have brownish-gray tones. Wouldn't it be nice to see one on your terrace?
via Wikipedia

Unfortunately, it will be quite difficult to spot one near your home, unless you live in the southeast of Kazakhstan, on the Tibetan plateau, on the slopes of the Himalayas, or in the Kashmir region. In short, the white-browed tit-warbler prefers mountain or wooded areas.

As for its diet, this warbler feeds mainly on insects and small invertebrates, but also on seeds and berries, especially during the winter.

The mating period begins around mid-May and ends around mid-June; it should be emphasized that the white-browed tit-warblers are monogamous. The female usually lays 2 to 5 eggs, which she hatches for about 2 weeks. The babies that will be born will be looked after and fed by their parents until they are ready to "take off" and move away from the nest. All this will not happen before 20 days after the hatching of the eggs.

A bird so pretty that it seems to have been designed by a particularly imaginative child!