Homemade bread: the recipe for preparing potato bread, a soft and tasty variation

Knowing how to make bread is a skill that may seem trivial, but which, in reality, requires a lot of practice to be perfected. Furthermore, knowing how to make bread means having the possibility of having "infinite supplies" of a product that we consume daily and, therefore, it could definitely be useful on many occasions. There are many varieties of bread and this is the beauty: you can indulge yourself according to your taste, until you find the perfect recipe for you. In this article we want to offer you the recipe for potato bread, a homemade bread that you absolutely must try.

The ingredients are usually easy to find and they are decidedly affordable. In short, there is no excuse for not testing yourself with the creation of a delicious and fragrant bread like this! With this recipe you should be able to make a large loaf, or 2 long baguettes, or 10 rolls: you decide the shape of your bread. Remember: the procedure involves leaving the dough to rest overnight, so plan accordingly.

Ingredients needed: 2 potatoes, 250 ml of warm water, 2 tablespoons of sugar (or even less if you don't like your bread too sweet or if you are worried by the idea of adding too much sugar), 7 g of dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of oil , 500 g of flour and 2 teaspoons of salt.

We boil the potatoes in the 250 ml of water. Once cooked, take care not to throw away the water - simply drain the potatoes and mash them with a fork or a potato masher, to obtain a mash. Let's put the potatoes aside and take care of the other ingredients: mix the sugar and the yeast in the cooking water of the potatoes, and let it rest for 15 minutes. After that, mix the mixture just obtained with the mashed potatoes; add the sifted flour, oil and salt. Now, let the dough rest for a whole night.

The next day, divide the dough into 2 loaves and let them rest for another hour. In the end, you decide the shape you want to give to your bread and incise the surface. We preheat the oven to 220 ° for 15 minutes, after which we bake our bread. The cooking times are: 220 ° for the first 15 minutes and 200 ° for the remaining 40 minutes. Check the oven from time to time and, if you see that the surface of your bread darkens very quickly, cover it with aluminum foil.