Coronavirus: a landlord gives up the rent and does the shopping for a tenant in difficulty

The Coronavirus pandemic has upset many people's lives. From one day to the next, with lockdowns, closures and prohibitions, there are those who have found themselves no longer knowing how to get ahead, with huge economic losses that are difficult to recover in the short term. There are many men and women for whom it has become difficult to even shop, let alone pay the monthly rent.
This expenditure, in the conditions we are experiencing, can for many become a real problem. However, there are no shortage of landlords who, without thinking twice, decided to give up their monthly payments. And some of them have done even more.

"I am fortunate to be an proprietor" wrote Nathan Nichols, owner of two real estate units on Facebook "and for this reason I just let my tenants know that I will not be collecting the April rent. I ask all the other landlords - he added - to consider giving some relief to their tenants ".
Simple, direct and clear words that certainly made many people think, and they came loud and clear to the ears of Alan, another owner of rented houses. With him, the sentences written by Nichols had the desired effect, and went even further. The man first told his tenant Christina, mother of 4, not to worry about the month's rent and later asked the woman if she and her family still had enough food. Christina replied that supplies were scarce and, after a few hours, she received a message inviting her to look out of the veranda.

Milk, potatoes, fresh and packaged food, diapers and much more: everything was there, delivered to the renter in difficulty, bought and donated by the landlord. Needless to describe the joy and surprise the woman felt when she found herself faced with a gesture of generosity so unexpected and selfless. These are the stories that we are pleased to tell and which, in such a dramatic moment, make us recover trust and hope.