A young cashier at a supermarket pays for an elderly man's groceries who didn't have enough money

Every country has its differences; one thing most of them have in common right now, though, is protecting their citizens against the Coronavirus pandemic. Non-essential businesses across the world have been shut down for almost a month and, because of government enforced quarantine, people have started wondering if life will ever get back to normal. Some people have turned to compulsive behaviors like panic-buying to alleviate their fears and anxieties, leaving very few essential items (like disinfectants and preventive masks behind) for everyone else. The elderly are especially affected by panic-buying. Already finding it difficult to leave their houses, they usually arrive too late to get the items they need. Many are also finding it hard to afford the extra items they need to protect them against the virus. Luckily, there are some people in the world that care about the elderly and do what they can to help them out.
via Youtube / WRCB Chattanooga

Take Elizabeth Taylor for example. Elizabeth is a 17-year-old cashier at Fresh n' Low, a supermarket chain in the United States. Lately, many have described Elizabeth as "an angel" because she decided to pay the rest of an elderly man's grocery bill when he came up $33 short. As a teenager, 33 dollars is a pretty nice sum of money (you could go to the movies and eat pizza and icecream with friends for that much money!). Elizabeth, however, didn't even think twice about it.

At first, the elderly man began choosing items to return, so that the total would match the amount of money he actually could afford to pay Elizabeth. Once she saw that his groceries were all considered essential items, she refused to let the man return anything. That's when she told the elderly man, Mr. Mckeel, to let her pay for the rest and not to worry about paying her back.
For Elizabeth, paying the difference in Mr. McKeel's grocery bill was a no brainer. She saw someone in need and helped them. It is as simple as that. Way to go, Elizabeth!