Coronavirus: a generous man leaves dozens of bags full of food for his neighbors in difficulty

There are gestures of generosity that are always beautiful to appreciate and see around us. In particularly difficult times, then, these actions have become really precious. The Covid-19 pandemic is certainly one of the greatest tests that humanity has been called to face in modern times and, among other problems it poses to societies, it also risks exacerbating the inequalities between people who are getting by more or less well.
For this reason, every act in favor of those who are less fortunate is now very important. A generous man, in Chile, has decided to demonstrate his support to many in the neighborhood, giving the whole world a beautiful example of humanity and altruism.
The neighbors call him "Pancho" and, already from such a nice name, one senses that he is a positive person. Unusually, he surprised his entire neighborhood, in the city of Temuco, when he hung dozens of bags full of groceries on the railings of his house, available for anyone who needed it.
There are many people who have lost their jobs or no longer receive their wages due to the ongoing emergency, and this is becoming a big problem all over the world. Pancho,has, in a few words summed up the need to help them.
"Neighbors, if you need it, take an bag and have a good day," he wrote alongside the shopping donated to the inhabitants of his area. It is needless to describe the emotion of the many locals who found themselves faced with this generous gesture. Lupita Salazar, among them, published a post on Facebook with photos of the bags given by Pancho, calling him a "precious and great neighbor", and insisting that helping those who are in need, at this moment, is essential.
Helping each other, with humanity, generosity and responsibility, is in fact an excellent way to overcome this crisis. Perhaps it is the only way by which we can come out of it as better people.