A chilled coffee cake to prepare in a few minutes: delicious, it doesn't even require baking

As the summer heat approaches, we usually want to cook is less and prefer lighter and more simple recipes to elaborate ones. A argument that also applies to desserts, which, usually, almost all require baking; but who wants to turn on the oven when, already in normal conditions, there seems not to be a breath of air? This is precisely the time when we prefer a pudding or yogurt from the fridge to a slice of cake. But why give up the experience of eating a nice cake even during the summer season?
We present a cold coffee-flavored cake that can be prepared in 10 minutes and does not require any type of cooking. Perfect for any occasion, it is especially dedicated to coffee lovers.
via Youtube

300 g of Digestive biscuits (or choose your favorites);
100 g of amaretti biscuits;
50 g of coffee flavored chocolate chips (or, alternatively, chocolate chips);
150 g of butter;
250 ml of fresh cream;
350 g of mascarpone;
100 g of icing sugar;
60 grams of coffee.

First you need to crush the digestive and amaretti biscuits together, to obtain the typical "dough crumble", characteristic of this delicious cake. Heat the butter and, once melted, pour it in the crumb mixture, taking care to mix everything well. Add the coffee chocolate flakes or chocolate chips, depending on what you prefer, until you get a grainy and homogeneous mixture. We need to pour most of this dough into the cake pan which will then go into the fridge; let's create the base of our cake using 2/3 of the crumbs and put it in the fridge for a few hours. Before pouring the crumb mix, remember to put the parchment paper in the pan.

Now let's think about the filling: we take a bowl in which we vigorously beat the mascarpone and the icing sugar with the help of an electric mixer; then we pour in the coffee little by little, always continuing to work with the whisk. Make sure that the coffee is cold or at room temperature when you incorporate it into the filling mixture. In another bowl, the cream must be whipped; once the process is finished, we can add the cream with the previously beaten mascarpone mix. While mixing in these last ingredients, remember to always make circular movements from the bottom up, to prevent the whole mix from losing it's lightness.
Pour the cream filling into the pan that we had left to rest in the fridge and with some care, cover any gaps. At this point we can use up the crumbs of the biscuits that wereserved earlier, sprinkling on the top of the cake. Now the cake is ready to be put in the fridge: wait 4-5 hours and then enjoy it slowly!