A repellent spray made from coffee, that keeps mosquitoes away: a home remedy, 100% natural

Mosquitoes are among the principal problems that the heat of summer brings: every year we arm ourselves with holy patience and buy every type of repellent we can get our hands on, in addition to the usual mosquito nets that we hope can shelter us from these annoying little beasts. But before throwing ourselves in headlong with not particularly healthy chemicals, why don't we give a chance to a natural remedy? A natural spray made with waste coffee, for example, could be a good 100% "green" repellent to consider.

What will you need to make the repellent spray?
a few teaspoons of coffee;
a spray bottle.

Once you have mixed a few teaspoons of coffee with water, shake the spray bottle well and spray the mixture on the mosquito nets or on the window shutters. Some studies have highlighted how some substances present in coffee waste are toxic to adult mosquitoes and the not yet hatched eggs.
If you have a garden, you can try spraying coffee repellent in the corners, hoping that the strong aroma will keep mosquitoes away. Remember to repeat the operation after heavy rains.