Lasagna with bacon, mushrooms and courgette cream: how to make it at home in a few minutes

by Alison Forde

May 30, 2020

Lasagna with bacon, mushrooms and courgette cream: how to make it at home in a few minutes

Lasagna is one of the most celebrated and appreciated savory recipes in the world, typical of the city of Bologna, in Italy. The traditional recipe is the one with meat and ragout among its main ingredients, yet over the decades the variations of lasagna have been so many and so tasty that there are a world of flavors to when your appetite. Today we want to teach you a homemade lasagna recipe with bacon, courgette cream and mushrooms. Simple to prepare!


Here are the necessary ingredients:

250 g of lasagna
4 courgettes
1/4 of an onion
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
350 g of bechamel
300 g of champignon mushrooms
125 g of mozzarella
100 g of bacon
3 spoons of Parmesan cheese
1/2 clove of garlic
salt to taste
pepper to taste
vegetable broth


Prepare the courgette cream first; wash the courgettes and dry them and then cut them into slices, meanwhile take a pot where you can put the chopped onion together with the spoons of extra virgin olive oil; put the pan over medium heat and brown the onion. Add the courgettes as soon as the onion becomes golden brown, cook for 5 minutes, then cover with hot vegetable stock. Continue to cook over medium-low heat for another 15 minutes.



Leave the courgettes to cool till they are warm then blend the courgettes until a homogeneous cream is obtained; check the salt and set aside the courgette cream. Now is the time to cook champignon mushrooms. In a separate pan, cut half a clove of garlic and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and cook the garlic over a moderate flame until it becomes golden; at this point, add the chopped mushrooms and cook them for about 15 minutes. Then put them on a separate plate and let them cool.

To assemble the lasagna: take a baking dish and pour a ladle of courgette cream and one of bechamel; place the first layer of lasagna and then another layer of liquid bechamel and courgette cream, add sauteed mushrooms, chopped bacon and cubes of mozzarella. Continue layering until you reach the fifth layer, then finish with a sprinkling of Parmigiano Reggiano; bake for 20-25 minutes at 190 °; once cooked, take it out and let it cool.

Now you just have to serve at the table and enjoy it ... enjoy your meal!
