A puppy is abandoned on the roadside closed in a bag: a man saves him and finds a family for him

Human malice towards animals will never cease to exist; man is capable of so many atrocities against his four-legged friends that telling the events is always like a punch in the stomach. Imagine going along a desolate road in your car and finding by chance, on the side of the road, a scared little dog abandoned inside a bag. A cruelty witnessed by Carlos Estuardo Coy.
via Wapa

Mascotas Perdidas en Cobàn/Facebook
The Guatemalan man was driving on the street to run errands when he suddenly saw a bag abandoned by the roadside; so far nothing particularly suspicious, until he noticed that the head of a scared little dog had come out in the bag!
Carlos could not believe his eyes, so he decided to stop and save that abandoned dog, despite having urgent commitments. He knew it was the right thing to do.

Mascotas Perdidas en Cobàn/Facebook
Carlos said: "I noticed a bag on the side of the road and when I was passing there I saw that in that bag a little head of a dog no older than 3 months was sticking outt. Actually, I was in a bit of a hurry and I was going a little fast in my vehicle, but when I saw it, I was moved, since I couldn't be indifferent to this situation. So I stopped a few meters ahead and backed up. I went to see if the dog was well and to my surprise he was alive, with only one wound and he was very scared. "
The man from Cobàn in Guatemala therefore decided to get the dog into the car and take him with him, at least until he found accommodation for the poor abandoned dog.

Mascotas Perdidas en Cobàn/Facebok
After posting the pictures of the dog on a Facebook group for lost pets, Carlos had a request from a woman interested in adopting him immediately. Now, the little dog abandoned in a bag on the street has been welcomed by the animal-loving woman who already owns a dog saved from the street and is slowly recovering from the physical and psychological shock of abandonment.
Thanks to veterinary care, the 3-month-old puppy is now recovering and at least now lives within a family that loves him and will never abandon him.
Thanks Carlos for your rescue!