An already adopted pit bull is "attracted" to a guy in the dog shelter: between the two it is friendship at first sight

Many puppies who live in shelters spend their days waiting for someone to give them a second chance to live their dream of a loving family. We cannot deny that some of these adorable puppies have a past full of unfair treatment in which they have not only been marked by physical but also emotional hurts. Therefore, after suffering so much, all they want is to feel loved and be part of a family. Like the little protagonist of our story, Dennis.
via Paw My Gosh

Dennis is a dog who has lived a lot of his time inside a shelter, but has been a very lucky dog; not only had he finally found a foster human family, but the chance encounter with Drew Harrisberg totally changed his life. Drew had gone to visit the refuge with the hope of adopting a puppy.
Although Dennis had already been officially adopted and was waiting to leave the shelter, the dog had a real "love at first sight" moment with this young man.

The little pit bull, as soon as he saw Drew, immediately "fell in love" with the boy, trying to attract his attention with screeches and moans of happiness; Drew saw Dennis too, and it was love at first sight between the two.
Drew subsequently asked if he could adopt Dennis even though the final adoption process was only two weeks away, so the staff had the idea of leaving the pit bull free for the two weeks prior to his release from the shelter; in this way, Drew was able to spend 14 days in the company of the dog that had so impressed him ...

But there was nothing to be done: those 14 days spent together with little Dennis confirmed to Drew that they were made for each other, which is why on returning to the shelter, the young man begged the staff to give Dennis to him. In the end, although there was a foster family who were supposed to take charge of Dennis officially, they willingly accepted the "handover".
Now, Drew and Dennis are inseparable companions in adventure, who never separate from each other!

A friendship that was born by chance, when the two of them laid eyes on each other...

A story that reminds us that true friendship is not chosen: it happens by chance!

We wish that the strong bond that binds Drew and Dennis together lasts forever: you two are beautiful!