During the day, a bricklayer, in the evening a rider: a single father takes his 3-year-old son to work to be close to him

by Alison Forde

June 18, 2020

During the day, a bricklayer, in the evening a rider: a single father takes his 3-year-old son to work to be close to him

Working and being able to keep to all commitments, promises and relationships, living with peace of mind, is not at all simple. We all know it well, often finding ourselves, for one reason or another, overwhelmed by everyday life and too many tasks. Everything has undoubtedly been made worse by the Coronavirus pandemic, a period during which many people have lost their jobs, had to give them up, or adapt to a new, shocking reality.

All single parents also know this well, caught between raising their children and the concrete need to meet expenses and commitments. Lin, 24, is one of them, and his story, along with that of Lele, his 3-year-old son, is absolutely moving.

via Ophama.com



We are in Taiwan, where Lin carries out one of those jobs that more and more young people are looking for in search of employment, often finding themselves dealing with low wages, exhausting shifts and difficult conditions. We are talking about the pony-express, or rider: in the evening, from 6pm until late at night, this young man delivers food to homes, while during the day he works on a construction site. 

The man took custody of his little boy after separating from his wife. In order not to abandon him and keep him under his watchful eye during the evening hours, Lin had no other solution than to take him with him to work. That's right: riding his scooter, with helmet and safety precautions, Lele accompanies his father during the deliveries of food and it is not uncommon for him, exhausted by the constant movement, to fall asleep close to his dad.



Lin's shifts last, in the best cases, up to 14 hours a day and, if he didn't bring his son with him, he wouldn't have time to devote himself to him. Despite the risks that derive from it, the guy is convinced that it is worth it, because he must be there for his little man. The photos of father and son who ride a scooter together, with the little Lele who often falls asleep, quickly went around the web, arousing sadness, emotion and concern from viewers.



We really hope that soon Lin will no longer need to take his son to work, and that the little boy will be able to spend more peaceful days alongside his father, without necessarily having to accompany him on his rounds. Good luck to this young single dad!


