A 64-year-old decides to pass his retirement living in a Holiday Inn hotel

by Cylia Queen

June 24, 2020

A 64-year-old decides to pass his retirement living in a Holiday Inn hotel

Do you know what your plans will be for when you retire? Will you spend your time traveling or maybe move to a place you've dream of living in your entire life? Whatever your plan is, you probably haven't thought of spend ing it living in a hotel. That's exactly what 64-year-old Terry Robison and his wife, both from Texas, plan on doing.

via USA Today

Terry recently made a Facebook post that took the world wide web by storm. After doing some research, Terry discovered that it would be way cheaper to live out his retirement in a hotel than in a retirement home. Instead of paying 188 dollars a day, which is what the average retirement home costs, he's going to pay 60 dollars a day to live in a hotel room. How can he find a hotel room so cheap, you ask? Well, with his senior discounts, complimentary breakfasts, and discounted food items during the hotel's happy hour, that's how. 

His reasoning: why stay in a retirement home when you can spend that extra money on amenities and services, like a pool and free internet, at a hotel. In the post, Terry states, "No nursing home for us. We'll be checking into a Holiday inn!".  


Besides getting to keep the same hotel room for an extended period of time, Terry and his wife will also have access to Holiday Inn's pool, gym, and sauna. Another advantage Terry will have by living at a holiday in is the complimentary products they provide their guests, inlcuding shower gel, tooth paste, shampoo, and razors. Also, the hotel room will be cleaned regularly by hotel staff and, if one of them gets sick, staff are already trained to call an ambulance or - he says jokingly - the morgue. 

And - just when it seemed like Terry already thought of everything - he also chose a hotel situated next to a bus line that is free for senior citizens to ride. He and his wife are truly set for their retirement, and we wish them nothing but the best!  
