A woman purposely coughs on a one-year-old just because he is Hispanic: she is now wanted by the police

Life and the people around us have accustomed us to think that there is often no end to the worst sort of behavior. Although this is not always true and there are many positive and inspiring stories, unfortunately we also witness many episodes that we would never want to see, just like the one we are about to tell you of.
The protagonists are a woman and a child of just one year old, whose only "fault" - if we can define it this way - was that of being of an ethnic group different from that of the lady, who thought it a good idea to perform a gesture of contempt made even more serious by the situation related to the Coronavirus pandemic.
via ABC7

We are in the United States, and specifically in San Jose, California. Here inhabitants of Hispanic ethnicity make up a large proportion of the population, as in all the United States, but unfortunately their presence is not always viewed without prejudice. In this case, the woman in question decided, in the midst of a medical emergency caused by Covid-19, to enter a yogurt shop, lower her protective mask and cough several times on a child who was in a stroller, inside the shop with his mother.

While she intended to make a derogatory and mocking gesture towards the child, the woman was filmed by the surveillance cameras of the shop while she approached the stroller and coughed two or three times in the direction of the child, in a deliberately offensive and obvious way - and above all without covering her face with a mask.

All this, according to what the mother said, has originated from a quarrel started by the woman for trivial reasons. The white lady started to insult the Hispanic woman when she heard that she spoke in Spanish, and she was angry because the mother and son were too close to her in the line.

The police intervened in the incident, and the story has caused an outcry. The authorities asked everyone to help with the identification of the lady, who is clearly guilty of a racist gesture, as well as putting at risk public health, above all, for the child. We would never want to read these things, yet unfortunately many people still seem insensitive to tolerance and respect.