A dog chooses his favorite snack and brings it to the cashier to "pay for it", like a real 4-legged customer

by Alison Forde

July 03, 2020

A dog chooses his favorite snack and brings it to the cashier to "pay for it", like a real 4-legged customer

Anyone who is lucky enough to have a dog besidet to them knows how well these beautiful animals are able to amaze us and give us satisfaction. Sometimes they do it at our instruction, other times quite spontaneously: and it is precisely in these second cases that we love them even more, convinced that, to be just like us, only speech is missing.

The lovely and well trained Doberman we're going to tell you about is a perfect example. In fact, would you ever think that your dog will be able to choose his favorite snack in a shop, take it in his mouth and diligently carry it to the checkout, where it is to be paid for? If the answer is "no", wait and see and take a look at the performance of this dog.

via Rumble Viral/Youtube

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Rumble Viral/Youtube

His name is Kruz, he is five years old and he is certainly a dog with very clear ideas. When it comes to snacking, he knows exactly what he wants and knows that, with his owner, he can find it in the store, pick it up and take it away. Not before you've paid cash, of course. The intelligence and ingenuity of this dog are evident, and the video that portrays him while he is at the supermarket with his human friend attracted the attention of many people, quickly going viral on the web.

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Rumble Viral/Youtube

Kruz literally does the shopping. Wandering around the shop, he looks for and finds the delicacies that he likes most, chooses them and brings them to the cashier; his master pays them and he is ready to devour them. Surely, such behavior denotes a dog well trained by his human friend. It must be said, however, that not all dogs manage to tune in to human ways and to perform acts and customs just like us.

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Rumble Viral/Youtube

This Doberman is now a real star, and he is also well known in the supermarket where he loves to "stock up". The customers and employees, when they meet him, stop to pet him and say hello, and he could not be happier. There is no doubt: Kruz has shown the world, once again, that dogs are truly precious gifts that nature has given us!
