This sweet baby girl prays before every one of her meals, and her parents posted the most adorable video of her doing it

When kids are small, they tend to imitate what the adults around them do. They make the same gestures, repeat everything they hear and, when they're not throwing tantrums, they usually do what their parents tell them to do.
This is why it's so important for kids to have good role models. That way, when they're older, they'll already be in the habit of making good choices, as well as well-behaved, responsible adults.

One of the cutest examples of parents teaching their children good habits is Eloise Incorvaia's mom and dad. The video of Eloise that went viral shows her and her parents holding hands and praying over her food. All Eloise has to hear is the word "prayer" and, seconds later, she has her eyes shut and her hands stretched out so that her mom and dad can latch on. The video ends with Eloise joyously shouting out the word "Amen."

At the time, Eloise was only 20 months old and had no idea what religion or praying really meant. Eventually, she'll realiaze what she is doing and, even if she might decide she's not religious as an adult, praying does have a positive connotation to it. She can take it and apply it to so many activities in her life, whether it be meditation, practicing yoga, or just feeling at peace with herself.
What's important is that children learn positive habits when they are young so that they can use them to become better members of the community. The only person who can choose who she will be in the future is Eloise. With the write tools in hand, however, she won't have as much work cut out for her.