Brother hacks off little sister's hair: hairstylist saves the day and turns her hair disaster into a cute and edgy haircut

When there are small children in the house, anything can happen. And by "anything" we mean that all household objects (pointed objects, detergent, inflammable products, etc.) can be used as weapons. Luckily, these objects usually don't pose any real threat, but they sometimes can be used to play pranks on younger siblings.
Take Colt Naylor, for example. He's a three-year-old toddler who decided to give his sister, Kimber (2), a haircut when his parents wasn't looking.

Colt and Kimber live with their parents in the state of Ohio. Breanna Naylor, Colt and Kimber's mother, loves her kids and is very proud of them. This doesn't mean that she's never suspicious of mischief going on between Colt and his little sister. As the saying goes, "boys will be boys". That's why Breanna wasn't at all surprised to find Colt hidden in one of their closets, giving his sister what he thought was a cool and edgy haircut.

Although Breanna was horrified to see what Colt had done, Kimber seemed to be fine with it. Breanna's first instinct was to yell at Colt for having played with scissors, but she remained calm and thought of a solution to Kimber's bad haircut.

Her husdband didn't take the situation as lightly as her and, after some brainstorming, decided to give her friend Jen a call. Jen is a professional hairstylist and has seen her fair share of terrible DYI haircuts. When Breanna asked her to make a housecall, Jen rushed over immediately to see what kind of damage had been done. After a good laugh, herself, she got straight to work.

It's true that Colt gave Jen a big challenge, but he was no match for a hairwhizz like Jen. She took Colt's sloppy work and turned it into a cute and edgy hairstyle. It matched Kimber's personality perfectly! Breanna was so happy with the result that she posted pictures to her facebook page immediately.
Apart from showing how cook Kimber looked, Breanna also explained that she hoped the incident would never happen again. Playing with scissors is not a behavior that should be rewarded in any way, and she assured everyone that Colt knows never to do it again. Luckily, things ended on a positive note for Colt and Kimber. We only hope that she doesn't try to eventually seek vengeance on him... if so, look out, Colt!