She works as a "delivery boy" bringing her two little daughters with her: the story of an extraordinary mother

by Alison Forde

August 26, 2020

She works as a "delivery boy" bringing her two little daughters with her: the story of an extraordinary mother

Being a mother is an huge gift but also a huge responsibility. You stop thinking about yourself and put your children before everything else. They have to be fed, raised and protected. All this costs a great deal of effort.

However, every woman, in such circumstances, discovers that she has incredible resources within herself, and that she is capable of enduring any trial. Here is a story that speaks of the exceptional strength of every mother.

via Facebook / Лада Королёва

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Lada Koroleva lives in Russia with her two girls, one of two years old and the other a few months old. She has had to fend for herself practically forever. She never could count on her family, and so she left home at 17. She met a man who she married and with whom she had a daughter. However, while she was trying to get by and trying to put bread on the table, the man was wasting his time and money on video poker.

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Leda endured this as long as she could, but then she decided to leave him. In the meantime, however, her second daughter was also born, so Leda found herself practically alone and having to take care of everything. The girl is now 19 years old and works for a home food delivery service. Having no one to leave the little ones with, she was forced to take them with her on every shift.

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Her story began to go viral when she posted photos of herself with backpacks full of food for delivery, along with strollers to transport her daughters. For months, Leda has managed a grueling routine, all in order to survive and support her children. Many who learned of her situation helped her by providing her with diapers and anything else she might need.

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Some have accused her of exploiting her girls to deceive people and receive charity from them. But Leda goes straight on her way, and leaves the gossips to themselves. After a long time, she is now looking for a stable job and above all for some work that she can do from home. This way she would no longer have to drag two little girls around Moscow.

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Facebook / Лада Королёва

Those who criticize her are in a clear minority compared to all those who cheer her on, and who hope she will soon find some balance and stability. The story shows what a mother can be capable of. At the same time it makes us reflect on the value and responsiblity of bringing a new life into the world, because when you have a child, you also have to do everything to take care of it.
