15 funny photos which prove that children can be a real destructive force

by Alison Forde

August 19, 2020

15 funny photos which prove that children can be a real destructive force

If you have dealt with children, even for just one day, you have certainly realized that they tend to have a very difficult relationship with order and cleanliness. Their nature in fact pushes them to interact and play with anything, even more so if it is colorful, and in doing this they certainly don't care about keeping their surroundings in order. They are, in fact, an adorable but destructive force, and for this reason it is up to adults to watch over them as much as possible.

Below is a gallery of 15 adorable disasters created by some children who evaded the control of their parents.

1. At least we know that they will come out smelling good ...

1. At least we know that they will come out smelling good ...

Source: Imgur


2. A beautiful message for the parents ... too bad they didn't just use a sheet of paper

2. A beautiful message for the parents ... too bad they didn't just use a sheet of paper

Source: Reddit

3. You turn around for 30 seconds, and voila!

3. You turn around for 30 seconds, and voila!

Larali21/Wikimedia Commons

4. What are chalks for if not for drawing on the carpet?

4. What are chalks for if not for drawing on the carpet?


5. Let's hope that wasn't their life savings ...

5. Let's hope that wasn't their life savings ...

senko / twitter


6. Someone needs to buy more shaving cream ...

6. Someone needs to buy more shaving cream ...

cecilia carolina / Twitter

7. Great work, he removed them from start to finish

7. Great work, he removed them from start to finish



8. Another beautiful memory engraved on dad's car. He will be delighted!

8. Another beautiful memory engraved on dad's car. He will be delighted!


9. Even the dog disappeared upon seeing this disaster ...

9. Even the dog disappeared upon seeing this disaster ...



10. This happens when you don't use safety locks on the doors

10. This happens when you don't use safety locks on the doors


11. A new species of plant?

11. A new species of plant?



12. When a child offers you to make breakfast, you should be afraid

12. When a child offers you to make breakfast, you should be afraid


13. Children know how to be destructive but here, above all, it is the fault of the parents who did not control them!

13. Children know how to be destructive but here, above all, it is the fault of the parents who did not control them!



14. A hand with the DIY is always useful ...

14. A hand with the DIY is always useful ...


15. How can you be angry with a smile like that?
