A woman gives birth to a newborn weighing 6.3 kg: "I thought it was twins"

The birth of a child is always an event that brings with it joy, apprehension and curiosity, at the thought of what the unborn child will be like, what his characteristics, his appearance, his character will be. It was the same for LaQueena Hunter Grover, an American mom from Louisiana who, when she got pregnant, immediately realized that she was carrying something special inside her.
Her son was a single baby, but it really seemed that he was not alone, judging by how much her belly weighed and grew. So much so that for a long time, LaQueena thought she was expecting twins, but the surprise was yet to come.
via WDSU News

60 cm and over 6.3 kg in weight: can you believe that a newborn can come into the world with these statistics? If the answer is no, just take a look, because LaQueena's third child, called Loyalty, was born just so, presenting himself to doctors, family and the whole world as a really huge baby.

"I thought it was twins. People who met me said that there could not be just one baby in there" said the woman, commenting on the reactions of her acquaintances during the last months of her pregnancy. Although her first two children were born at 3.2 and 4.9 kg respectively, the mother never expected to carry such a gigantic baby in her womb.

When she gave birth, LaQueena was utterly shocked when a nurse revealed Loyalty's weight and length to her, and it's easy to understand why. After a few days in intensive care, the newborn is in excellent health, happy and together with his family.

To dress him, his mother has had to buy clothes suitable for babies up to 18 months of age, and obviously his diapers are not the size for newborns. All that remains is to wish all the best to this big boy, who immediately amazed and touched everyone!